The vector lines have linked attribute tables distinguishing the perennial and intermittent hydrographic features of the long valley caldera region. Singleline drainages including optional lake centerlines and supplementary data for north america and europe. South african road shapefile data catalog data catalog. It is organised from a layer of 181,071 functional elementary. South african national land cover sanlc 2018 download page. For further information and help, click on one of the links above, call us at 416. West and central africa administrative boundaries levels 0. Africa one level up the openstreetmap data files provided on this server do not contain the user names, user ids and changeset ids of the osm objects because these fields are assumed to contain personal information about the openstreetmap contributors and are therefore subject to data protection regulations in the european union. With the search tool, found at the top righthand corner of the master list, search for data using relevant keywords. Double line rivers in wdb2 were digitized to created single line drainages. A public wilderness feature service can be added in arcgis online or to other online maps.
The national hydrography datasets, watershed boundary dataset, governmental boundary units, transportation, structures, elevation contours and geographic. Shapefile extracted from the wise large rivers and large lakes f1v1 geodatabase. To access spatial data, click on the spatial datasets tab the spatial datasets section contains a master list of downloadable spatial datasets which can be viewed with gis software download a specific dataset. Below is the link for boundary line shapefile of nigeria. The shapefile is a common standard for representing geospatial vector data. I could theoretically, download all the shapefiles from global administrative areas and combine them into one masterfile that would be another question. The best part is natural earth data is in public domain. I am wanting some select major rivers of the mississippi river basin red, kansas, misouri, ohio, tennessee, and mississippi obviously to display in the ms basin. Proof of concept for global urban area dataset please give feedback soi open data. This dataset is based on the data released by saps but formatted in a way.
These shapefiles are made available for use with epi info and epi map only. All rivers received manual smoothing and position adjustments to fit shaded relief generated from srtm plus elevation data, which is more recent and presumably more accurate. Download nigeria shapefile free administrative boundary. On the right in color are the new, supplemental version 1. Other formats for the interagency center line data and u. The information contained in these files may have changed since their creation.
The nhd had extensive stream information but i have to download nearly 60 zip files to get all the huc4s, and sort throught the gdb for a single flowline set and then extract just. South africa one level up the openstreetmap data files provided on this server do not contain the user names, user ids and changeset ids of the osm objects because these fields are assumed to contain personal information about the openstreetmap contributors and are therefore subject to data protection regulations in the european union. This shapefile contains arcs that describe rivers in the countries comprising the former soviet union. Hdx data team bot updated the dataset kenya admin boundaries election polling stations over 4 years ago. Staged productsthe topographic maps and geographical information system gis data provided in the national map are pregenerated into downloadable products often available in multiple formats. These data were obtained from esris geography network in arcview shapefile format.
You can use programs such as 7zip, pkzip or stuffit to decompress the files. West and central africa administrative boundaries levels. This database provides the firstever compilation of the worlds river basins developed specifically for corporate disclosure. For each continent, we distribute separate shapefiles for perennial and. An examination of cartographic design is a cartographic classic by arthur h. By and large, all the key cultural and physical vector gis datasets are at a global scale conveniently for you to use. But i am looking for the shapefile for africa the continent.
This map shows the locations of major river basins in africa. The data is available for download as a shapefile, spreadsheet, or kml. How to download shapefile data gis for any country buildings shapefile raods, waterways, places and railways shapefile and more download qgis 3. Nigeria is an african country also known as federal republic of nigeria. However, you can quote the shape as a single when you download the shape and unzip, please read the file readme south america shapefiles. Zipped shapefile with wise large rivers, vector line zip archive 338. A line shapefile depicting line features for rivers, canals and basins a polygon shapefile depicting area features for rivers, canals and basins i believe there are 5 main countries the niger river flows through in order from source to mouth. Feb 23, 2009 zipped shapefile with wise large rivers, vector line. Click basin to lock in display and enable downloading.
Hydrosheds riv africa river network stream lines at 30s resolution data. Download free shapefile maps country boundary polygon. The book was based on robinsons doctoral research which investigated the relationship between science and art in cartography and the resultant refinement of graphic techniques in mapmaking to present dynamic geographic information. To access spatial data, click on the spatial datasets tab the spatial datasets section contains a master list of downloadable spatial datasets which can be viewed with gis software. Its purpose is to improve access to and integrated use of spatial data and information. Koyo gis professionals here in this post you will get free shapefile of nigeria. Download free south africa and lesetho arcgis shapefile. Wise large rivers and large lakes european environment agency.
Maps indicated with an asterisk are flash maps rather than shapefile maps. The rivers of africa are derived from the world wildlife funds wwf hydrosheds. Administrative shapefiles contain boundaries of standard geographic locations in effect in 1998. This dataset shows water bodies in africa including lakes, reservoir, and lagoon. The following styles are associated with this data set. Geonetwork opensource allows to easily share spatial data among different users. The regional centre for mapping of resources for development rcmrd was established in nairobi kenya in 1975 under the auspices of the united nations economic commission for africa uneca and the then organization of african unity oau, today african union au. Each shapefile consist of at least three actual files. Police statistics per police station for 29 different crime categories. Download free shapefile maps shapefile is one of the most common and extensively use vector file format of gis geographical information system, developed by esri as an open specification, which consist of collection of files viz.
European catchments and rivers network system ecrins. One shapefile for african continent containing countiesregions. However, i was wondering if such a shapefile already exists. Ecrins is a composite system made from the ccm developed by the jrc, corine land cover, wfd reporting elements, etc. This layer is intended for researchers, students, and policy makers for reference and mapping purposes, and may be used for basic applications such as viewing, querying, and map output production, or to provide a basemap to support graphical overlays and analysis with. Line shapefile containing road information for south africa. Maps and gis data are available for digital download. This point shapefile contains the locations of warehouses in kenya for 2012. It is a geographical information system of the european hydrographical systems with a full topological information. There are several ways of working with openstreetmap data and shapefiles.
Geonetwork the portal to spatial data and information. Interactive database of the worlds river basins home. You may find more current shapefiles for the united states from the u. Im looking for a shapefile that contains all the gadm level 3 possibly level 2 would suffice too for all african countries. The files have been compressed and grouped in zip files. Forest management, mining, hydrography, infrastructure, and vegetation for gabon, in shapefile format. It features a comprehensive list of river basins worldwide, including their names, boundaries, and other helpful information. Natural earth data is number 2 on the list because it best suits the needs of cartographers. Armenia, azerbaijan, belarus, estonia, georgia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, latvia, lithuania, moldova, russia, tajikstan, turkmenistan, ukraine and uzbekistan. Shapefiles of the entire wilderness system, as well as individual areas, are available for download below.
Geonetwork opensource provides internet access to interactive maps, satellite imagery and related spatial databases. The raster datasets also provide beautiful hillshade relief for your map. Finding data for use with gis for areas outside the u. Forest service wild and scenic river boundary data can be found through the usfs geodata clearing. Mar 10, 2019 how to download shapefile data gis for any country buildings shapefile raods, waterways, places and railways shapefile and more download qgis 3. Welcome to environmental gis environmental geographical. The shapefile format is created by arcview and can be used by arcview, arcinfo, arcgis and other widely used gis software source. Download free african continent arcgis shapefile map layers. This is a commonly used format that can be directly used in arcanything, divagis, and many other programs. One shapefile for african continent containing counties.
This entry was tagged open data south africa, south africa gis, south africa rivers, south africa shapefile. Data for download, rivers in africa derived from hydrosheds. I have found a few sites that offer the shapefiles for the country, but i could not find a website that offers africa as a continent. Hydrosheds riv africa river network stream lines at 30s. South africa lesetho natural features 854k zip file. Africas largest volunteer driven open data platform. This layer has been viewed 69960 times by 50712 users layer styles. River file download geonet, the esri community gis and. Charts download shp format a shapefile is a digital vector nontopological storage format for storing geometric location and associated attribute information. Free country shapefile maps can be downloaded below, which have already been integrated into statplanet. Apr 29, 2011 i am wanting some select major rivers of the mississippi river basin red, kansas, misouri, ohio, tennessee, and mississippi obviously to display in the ms basin. Following are the boundary line map shapefile of nigeria are available to download.
Download free south africa lesetho arcgis shapefile map layers. Wilderness shapefiles are for use by those with gis mapping software and expertise using and manipulating geographic data. Wise large rivers and large lakes european environment. How to download shapefile data gis for any country. Blok sensus shapefile data 2019 cyprus inspire open data. Download nigeria shapefile free administrative map layer. Geological survey, as well as the north american commission for environmental cooperation, has led to the release june 2004 of several new products. Central african republic interactive forest atlas conservation, permits, logging, habitat, hydrography, infrastructure, and vegetation for the central african republic, in shapefile format. Download a full list of citylevel latitudelongitude coordinates to be supported as of statplanet plus 4. The topographic maps and geographical information system gis data provided in the national map are pregenerated into downloadable products often available in multiple formats. A vector gis layer representing rivers and streams in mono county is included in this database. December 31, 2018 west and central african settlements towns and village with administrative capitals.
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